Contacting a call center solves the problem faster : Flixabay

How to Contact the BCA Call Center Number  24 Hours

The 24-hour BCA  call center number  is very useful for its customers. With a call center in place, someone can definitely easily solve the banking problems that have arisen.   BCA itself is one of the largest banks in Indonesia. Its branches are scattered throughout the region, and its ATMs are scattered in many places.

This bank already has a long history. BCA was  first  founded in 1957. At the time, its founder was Sudono Salim, who immediately designed it to be as big as it is now.  The BCA itself  is under the umbrella of djarum. With that said, its business power can be said to be very strong.

There are now many subsidiaries of BCA.  For example, such as BANK UIB to PT BCA Finance. With many of these subsidiaries, the client may encounter confusion. This is the main function  of the 24-hour BCA call center number. With its existence, customer confusion can be overcome.

How to Contact the BCA Call Center  in Indonesia

Contacting the BCA call center  is very simple. Someone will be able to contact them when they make contact with 1500-888. It was a contact that was open to all Indonesians. These contacts can be contacted not only by customers, but also by all segments of society. And a potential customer can also contact him.

When dialing a number, contact does not always have to be made during working hours. This is because these contacts are open for 24 hours. In addition, the staff that deals with this is also available every day. This obviously makes the problem appealable at any time anyway.

However, this  24-hour BCA call center number  won’t connect consumers with staff. That’s because consumers will contact the answering machines first. The answering machine actually has complete information about various issues from customers. However, some unusual ones are definitely confusing.

This is because it takes the right choice of numbers to get an explanation of the problem. To communicate with staff, select the number 1 in the first question. This number will make communication Indonesian. Then select the number 1 again. The number 1 forces you to choose banking services.

Finally, select the number 3. Selecting will make you connected to the FireCash service. This Firecash service can connect consumers with staff. However, if you don’t want to communicate with the answering machine at all, there is  another 24-hour BCA call center number.

The number is 021-235-88000. By calling the number, you can quickly get the service. In addition, you also do not need to contact him through an answering machine. At the same time, customers will communicate directly with the staff. This reduces the time required.

Contacting call centers can also be done abroad

All of the above contacts are for domestic purposes only. When he was abroad, the contacts were clearly different. Don’t worry about it. You can contact the  24-hour BCA call center number  anywhere, because it already has branches in different countries.

The first country to be discussed is Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia itself has very good diplomatic relations with Indonesia. Every year there are many Indonesians who go on the Hajj. Of course, it is very possible that the need for ATMs arise while there. There are two numbers that can be contacted when contacting in the country.

The first 24-hour BCA call center number  for Saudi Arabia is + 966-54-220-0581  . The next number is +966-53-298-7625. After Saudi Arabia, the next country is the UAE. However, BCA provides only one call center in this country. The call center itself can be contacted by calling +971-50-159-9393.

After the UAE, the next country is Qatar. In recent years, the country has experienced rapid development. In fact, there are many Indonesians who now decide to take a vacation there. The contact is at +974-6688-8279. Don’t forget about Hong Kong.  BCA also has a call center specifically for this country.

 The BCA’s 24-hour call center number  for Hong Kong is + 852-2356-2311. As for the last point, please also know that BCA provides many call centers in neighboring Malaysia. Malaysia itself borders the archipelago, so there are many Indonesian citizens for various purposes.

In general, there isan e mpat contact provided in Malaysia. The first contact is +601-6422-6051. After that, contact two +601-6415-6051. If the number is still filled, try calling +601-6414-6051. Finally,  BCA  bank customers  can also call +601-6445-6051 if there are any banking problems in the country.

Contact can also be made using social media

All of the above call centers provide paid tariffs for their customers. None of them makes communication with the consumer free. Therefore, do not forget to replenish the electronic loan first. Do not allow the supply of credit on a mobile phone to be at the level of less than 25 thousand.

The amount should certainly be even larger if it is done abroad. An electronic loan of up to 100 thousand rupees is needed to ensure that it does not stop halfway. Please note that a call that stops halfway will need to be contacted by  the BCA’s 24-hour call center number from the  start.

Instead of experiencing this, it would be better to choose a different method of contact. One of the best ways is to contact via WhatsApp. BCA Bank WhatsApp contact  0811-1500-998. This method is definitely free when it’s done. Furthermore, the popularity of Whatsapp in Indonesia is also undeniable.

Almost everyone has their own account. With its help, it will be very easy to contact him. If not via WhatsApp, communication can also be done via email. BCA’s official email address  is halo However, email communication has one drawback.

The main disadvantage is a slow reaction. Of course, email is different from a phone. Staff should read the questions carefully. In addition, it is also necessary to write a good and correct grammar so that you can get the satisfaction of the consumer.

Maybe for the latter way, communication can be done via Twitter. BCA’s official Twitter account @HaloBCA.  However, if you want to contact him personally, you can dm. However, if you want to make contact more generally, contact using mention can also be made.

Contacting a call center solves the problem faster

By accessing the  BCA’s 24-hour call center number   , banking problems can be quickly solved. That’s because the person who’s doing it is already educated and has gone through a long process. With that said, the quality of the answers they give isn’t disappointing.

Don’t get confused yourself because you’re just looking for your own answers online. Indeed, maybe the answer is correct and the problem is solved. But it may also be that the problem is even bigger. Instead of finishing, this condition will make you even more confused.

Requests such as ATM card blocking, mbanking blocking, to reports of various complaints can be made through call centers. In addition, you can also contact him for information. All problems and questions will necessarily be given comprehensive answers. Referring to  the BCA’s 24-hour call center number  will never disappoint.

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